Information on resource 'Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy'
Planetary aurorae are powerful emissions radiated from auroral
regions of magnetized planets by accelerated charged particles, in a
wide range of wavelengths (from radio to X-rays). The UV range in
particular is adequate to measure collisionaly excited transitions of
H and H2, the dominant species in the upper atmosphere of giant
planets, produced by precipitating auroral particles, and benefits a
good angular resolution. Auroral UV observations therefore provide a
rich source of informations on planetary atmospheres and
magnetospheres. They also offer a unique diagnostic to remotely probe
the solar wind activity throughout the heliosphere.
Tables defined within this resource descriptor
Copyright, License, Acknowledgements
This research have been made using APIS database by Laurent Lamy
(LESIA, Observatoire de Paris-PSL, CNRS)
[Manage RD]